From Sun Mar 10 18:16:23 2002 Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 12:48:41 -0400 From: To: Subject: Business Buzzword Bingo Some buzzwords I've collected over the years. If you use more than 10, please give me some credit! 24/7 360-degree survey 60,000 foot level A 'crystal ball' question A heads-up Action plan Actionable items Align All-hands meeting Alliance Alpha office Analysis paralysis Ankle-biting Automagically Back-pedalling Bad thing Bandwidth Belt and suspenders Best of breed Big picture Big truck theory Bilateral Bio-break Blame-storming Bleeding edge Bloatware Blue sky BOHICA Bounce it off Bounding box Brain dump Bucketize Business case Business silo Button-pushing Buttonology Buy-in Cash neutral Chainsaw art Chalk talk Champion Change agent Chip away at it Click into Close the gap Closure Cluster analysis Cluster teams Co-located Conceptualize Configuration management Contributation Conventialities Core capability Cost-benefit analysis Course of the ship Cranial rectosis Critical mass Critical to function Cross-functional business decision architecture Cross-functional reporting matrix Cross-functional team Cross-pollination Cube farm Decruitment Deep dive initiative Deliverable Deselect Dichotomy Distributed development infrastructure Do the right thing Dog and pony show Domain drivers Double-edged sword Dovetail Downsize Downtime Drill down Drive Drop-dead date Drop the ball Economies of scale Eleventh hour Emerging technology Emotional leakage Empower Empowered environment End-to-end quality Event-driven Excellence Execution excellence Face time Facilitate Feature creep Flesh it out Focus on our core business units Framework Frob >From a xxxxx perspective Fudge Fudge factor Full court press Functional deployment Functional module Functional transfer Game plan Gap analysis Globalization Go for the door Go for the low hanging fruit Grass roots Greased path Group think Haddock testing Hand-waving Hard line Hard start date Heavy lifting Help me understand Hey, because it's you Holding pattern Home run Horizontal platform solution Horizontal/veritical business alignment I'm having difficulty understanding... I'm struggling a little In the loop Infrastructure Interactive solutions provider Involuntary retirement It's been a pleasure working with most of you Key player Knowledge management Knowledge transfer Knuckle it in Lateral linkages Legacy system Let's take that offline Leverage Living document Manage the scope Market penetration Market segment Massage the data Matrixed organization Meatspace Meet the needs Mental modeling Mental modeling cluster analysis Mentoring Methodology Micro-managing Mind's eye Mindset Mindshare Modularize N-tiered Nailing jello to a tree Negative gap Negative impact No-brainer Nuggets on the ground On my plate On the same page On your radar screen Onboard Open door Operationalize Order of magnitude Organizational excellence Organizational focus Out of the box (thinking) Out of the loop Outsource Over-arching Paradigm shift Pareto-ize Parity Partnering Pass the torch Path forward Path of least resistance Pay for performance Peeling the onion Percussive maintenance Performance based culture Phased approach Platform Point of reference Positioning Prairie-dogging Press the button Proactive Process flow Productize Pushback Quality gap Quality initiatives Quality vector R-plus Radar screen Raise a flag Re-purpose Re-vectored Reality check Reduce cycle time Refactoring Resource constrained Resource management Rightsize Robust Robustification Robustify Robustment Robustness ROI Rolling horizon Rough-order magnitude estimate Rubber stamp Safety net Salary shrinkage Sensitivity Setting the tone Shake the bush Shelfware Signal to noise ratio Six of one, a dozen of the other Skip level meeting Slice and dice Slideware Slippery slope Smartsize Smoke and mirrors Solution Sounding board Spearhead Strategic alliance Strategic focus Strategic framework Strategic matrix Strategic process view Strategic quantification Strategizing Straw man Super clusters SWAG Symbiotic Synergistic alignment Synergy Systemic Tablestakes Tactical analysis Take a pulse Take care of yourself Take the ball and run Tap target Team building Technology thrust Tent pole That is a true statement Thumbs up Tiger team Time horizon Time management Touch points Tough decision Town meeting Traceability Train wreck Trench warfare Trickle-down Tweek Undocumented system constraint Unexpected program evolution Unsatisfactory performance behavior Unvite Uplevel Velvet hammer Ventage Venting Vertical business unit Virtual organizations Voice of the customer Voluntary retirement WAG Walk the talk Warm fuzzy Where the rubber meets the road Whistle-blower Work breakdown structure World-class Yes and no